Glyphicons Halfings font not loaded in Chrome and Edge on Windows 10

SupportGlyphicons Halfings font not loaded in Chrome and Edge on Windows 10
mrdoubleyou Staff asked 7 years ago
I use the bootstrap look but I noticed that the left and right arrow for selecting another month didn't show. I suspect that the Glyphicons Halfings font didn't load. I've tried this in Chrome and Edge. Can you look into this please?  
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, that must be the case, or there is conflict between current theme and EA. Can you please give me link to that page? Best regards, Nikola
mrdoubleyou Staff replied 7 years ago

The active theme is the default wordpress theme “Twenty Thirteen”
There are no extra theme customizations active.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, I got same thing locally. I will need to investigate little bit more. Best regards, Nikola