Gmail does not recognize the attached ICS when it uses the WP timezone

SupportGmail does not recognize the attached ICS when it uses the WP timezone
bordas_akos Staff asked 1 year ago
I have the following ICS generated by the plugin:

PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN
LOCATION:1164 Budapest\, Galgahéviz utca 2.
DESCRIPTION:Pedikűr és géllakkozás -
SUMMARY:Pedikűr és géllakkozás -
END:VCALENDAR Google is unable to import this, however when I turn off 'Use offset time in ICS file' it works as expected. This could be a minor thing but like this a wrong and misleading date appers in the calendar preview in Gmail.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi, thanks for the file. We will test it and let you know. Best regards, Nikola
bordas_akos Staff replied 12 months ago

I haven’t heard you back in a while with this, but the fix was urgent so I figured out myself. The problem is that you can select not just the timezone ID but the offset as well on WP Settings > General page. TZID will not work with offsets but the timezone ID. After I selected the proper city the new appointments started to work as expected. However at least a comment or something should have been added to prevent the others running into the same issue.