Google Calendar

SupportGoogle Calendar
magdalena_rodriguez Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi, if I have an event set in Google Calendar for a given date and time, and I want to book a service in the website calendar, that date and time appears available. I would like for that date and time to appear not available. Is this possible?
7 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi yes it is. Should work like that if you have setup everything as it should. So first thing is to check are advance sync options added inside EA Connection. Set all values for service, location and worker (don't use value any). Also one thing sync back is done in time interval that you have entered in settings. So it can take couple of minutes for EA to block that field. Best regards, Nikola
magdalena_rodriguez Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello, thank you for your response. I have checked the configurations in Connect [Beta] Google Calendar tab. I couldn\'t set a default worker in this tab. I can only set default location and default service which I have set. I noticed this two comments under Advanced Calendar Sync (* If you want to sync only with Primary Google calendar leave Advanced Calendars sync table empty.* For syncing the new Events created in Google calendar, last row for particular calendar will be used. Any field will be translated to Default Location and Service during sync back.) and so I deleted the connections I had set there to see if that fixed the problem but it didn\'t. Now the apointments were not being created in Google Calendar. I tried to create the connections again but when I click \"Add Calendar\" it prompts \"Please check your token!\". So I regenerated the Client ID and Client Secret key but it keeps saying \"Please check your token!\". How can I create the conections again? And what other configuration am I missing? Is there a documentation of this plugin available somewhere? Thank you.  
magdalena_rodriguez Staff answered 4 years ago
I managed to regenerate the keys and added new advance calendars sync items. None of the items are set with the option "Any". The plugin is still not blocking the hours that aren't free in Google Calendar. I can schedule appointments and they appear in Google Calendar, but if there was an event in Google Calendar at the same time it overlaps that event. What could be the problem?
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Can you please provide me with temp access account for nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com Best regards, Nikola
magdalena_rodriguez Staff answered 4 years ago
Yes, I just send you the access username and password to . Thank you.
magdalena_rodriguez Staff answered 4 years ago
Have you got the chance to take a look at this yet? Did you recieve the username and password to access the site? Do you need anything else from my end? I need this working ASAP. Thank you.
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

Please send it again.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Can you please send it again, will check it right away.