Google calendar issues

SupportGoogle calendar issues
Jeff asked 6 years ago
I have successfully authorized my google calendar several times. It works for one sync and then stops. I click to remove token and then authorize again, same thing happens. I have tripled checked all settings on the calendar app and on easy appointments. I am using Gsuite email calendar. Sometimes this has been problem in other apps. When it does work very little information is transferred.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Jeff, looks like you have short term token. Please remove token and authorize again. It's important to see dialog with Google Account that you will use, if you don't get that dialog please repeat deletion of token and authorize again. This part will be improved in new version that will be released during this weekend. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Once you get long term token app is going to work without any issue.

Best regards,