Google calendar not syncing back with EA

SupportGoogle calendar not syncing back with EA
magdalena_rodriguez Staff asked 4 years ago
If I add a new entry in Google Calendar (that has no relation with the services I have in my EA configured) that matches one of my services available hours, that time doesn't appear blocked. EA adds my new reservations in Google Calendar but it doesn't seem to consider the reservations I already have in Google Calendar to determine whether that date and time is available. Why could this be happening?
Here are some of my configurations: In the Connect [BETA] Google Cal tab:
Client ID is set
Client Secret is set
Default Location is set
Default Service is set
Use customer email : is checked
Copy previous fields : is not checked
Sync data for next : 0 days
Sync interval : 5 minutes
Advanced Calendars sync : I have six entries in that table all of which have their location, server and worker assigned.
Delete from GCal will : Delete Appointment in EA
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi also one thing. How many slots are there per connection? If there is more then one then it should not block that slot. Also can you please try with sync interval of 15 minutes? Best regards, Nikola
magdalena_rodriguez Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi, I have changed the sync interval to 15 minutes and I have all connections set with one slot. What else should I try?

magdalena_rodriguez Staff answered 4 years ago
magdalena_rodriguez Staff replied 4 years ago

Also, I was thinking maby there’s problem with the way google calendar is configured since my client has different calendars joined in one like you can see in this picture:

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
By looking at screenshots it's not the same calendar. In settings you have mappings only for primary calendar and only that one should sync back from Google Calendar. Can you please turn to logging all three levels during sync and paste here part of it? Best regards, Nikola Best regards, Nikola