Google calendar not syncing with EA

SupportGoogle calendar not syncing with EA
blenkhn Staff asked 4 years ago
I have looked at this post and I cannot find advance sync options.  Are they the advanced calendar sync? Also when I download the log file I get google_sync.log Failed - Network error
5 Answers
blenkhn Staff answered 4 years ago
I found the log file. this is the contents. [2021-03-12 3:26:08.877919] [info] Sync started
[2021-03-12 3:26:08.878000] [debug] Calendars for sync
primary: array(
'location' => '*',
'service' => '*',
'worker' => '*',
[2021-03-12 3:26:08.878098] [info] Syncing events for Calendar: primary
[2021-03-12 3:26:08.878120] [info] Sync event within next 30
[2021-03-12 3:26:09.264964] [info] Fetched from Google Calendar 95 events
[2021-03-12 3:26:09.284712] [info] Synced events : 0
[2021-03-12 3:26:09.284765] [info] Total sync events : 0
[2021-03-12 3:26:09.285080] [info] There are no new appointments needed to be send to Google Calendar
[2021-03-12 3:26:09.285109] [info] Sync Done
elkosx18 Staff replied 4 years ago

wondering about the * in the Log.
[2021-02-28 5:35:02.215092] [info] Syncing events for Calendar: primary
[2021-02-28 5:35:02.215118] [info] Sync event within next 90
[2021-02-28 5:35:02.365103] [info] Fetched from Google Calendar 61 events
[2021-02-28 5:35:02.395798] [info] Synced events : 61
[2021-02-28 5:35:02.395847] [info] Total sync events : 61
[2021-02-28 5:35:02.396147] [info] There are no new appointments needed to be send to Google Calendar
[2021-02-28 5:35:02.396162] [info] Sync Done
[2021-02-28 5:40:02.521071] [info] Sync started
[2021-02-28 5:40:02.521193] [debug] Calendars for sync
primary: array(
‘location’ => ‘1’,
‘service’ => ‘1’,
‘worker’ => ‘1’,

in my case there is a number from relationstable in mysql. Have you added a Service, Location and Worker already?

elkosx18 Staff replied 4 years ago

I may have not written my guess clear enough. I am pointing on the array data from your Log and posted mine for better understanding.
this part
primary: array(
‘location’ => ‘1’,
‘service’ => ‘1’,
‘worker’ => ‘1’,

blenkhn Staff replied 4 years ago

I have all of those setup already and have the calendar selected in the advanced section. The * still shows up

elkosx18 Staff replied 4 years ago

ok, than its probably caused by different debug levels. I have Debug, Info and Error

blenkhn Staff answered 4 years ago
There's 95 events and none of them are being imported  
blenkhn Staff answered 4 years ago
I thought I saw a way to reset the sync information with google calendar.  how do I do htis?  
blenkhn Staff answered 4 years ago
I don\'t need it to sync with Google Calendar, I just need the appointment times to be blocked out on the front end.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, thanks for update. Some other plugin can throw and error and block cron job process for that.
Best regards, Nikola
blenkhn Staff replied 4 years ago

Something else that is interesting, I have used bookly in the past and I didn’t like it. It has now a new method where you can use it to add zoom meetings to the email messages. It will actively book the zoom meeting and then send the information to the client and to the administrator so that they can meet via zoom

blenkhn Staff replied 4 years ago

just an idea that you might want to see about incorporating into your ea appointments. I would make it as an addon though so that you can get paid for your troubles