google calendar sync

SupportCategory: Questionsgoogle calendar sync
viktoria_zarandi Staff asked 2 months ago
Hi, is it possible to use the google calendar extension in one way sync mode? For me, it would be best if only the events created in easy appointments were automatically added to my google calendar, and I don't want the events created in google calendar to be added to the easy appointments calendar. I'm currently deleting other events from the easy app calendar that I didn't want to be transferred... is bulk deletion possible here? Thank you for answer. Viki
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 months ago

Hi Viki, you can use it like that. Just don't set default location and service, and don't put any advance sync option mappings. Those option are all on Extension settings page for Google calendar.

Best regards,

viktoria_zarandi Staff replied 2 months ago

Thanks for the answer Nikola, I had another question, can I delete all of the EA calendar events in bulk or just one by one? Unfortunately, it’s full of fixed appointments that were transferred from Google Calendar several years in advance…

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 2 months ago

I am not sure that it will remove events from Google calendar in that case.

Maybe better to have new Google calendar in that case and remove old one.

Best regards,

viktoria_zarandi Staff replied 1 month ago

If I remove the current Google calendar, will the dates imported from it be deleted from the EA calendar? Do I understand correctly? I apologize for the many questions Nikola, I’m just a hobbyist IT girl – I created my website “by intuition”, considering my current occupation, I’m a yoga teacher.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 month ago

It should remove those from EA after sync. When you change te calendar in EA settings.

Best regards,