Google Calendar Sync Issues

SupportGoogle Calendar Sync Issues
Noelle_Rivers Staff asked 8 years ago
Wordpress Version 4.8.1 Easy Appointments 1.11.4 Easy Appointments Connect 0.8.4  
  1.  Available appointments not syncing with my google calendar.  
  2. Allowing for scheduling at times that are blocked on my google calendar. 
  3. Pending Appointments not appearing in list of appointments.  Always says "Loading table..."
Would love to get the plugin up and running, looks great on the site.  But if it won't communicate with my calendar I'm not sure I'll be able to use it.  Thanks for any help! :)  
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi Noelle, have you followed this tutorial ? Regarding booking on Google Calendar you will always be able to book any event on you Google Calendar. There can't be any restrictions about time, you are free to enter any time. Easiest way to fix all those issues is to create temp account for your admin panel and let me in to check what is creating problem there. You can send the access data to nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com Best regards, Nikola