
jakub Staff asked 6 years ago
I want to use this plugin for booking golf teetimes. One teetime can be booked with up to 4 players. I have made 4 connections for 1 worker. It means that I can accept up to 4 bookings to one time. 1) I want to show how much more available bookings are in current time2) I want to be able to book more people at once. Just add a select box 1-max available bookings, where you could chose for how many people you make the reservation. It that possible without modifications? Or is here anyone who would write custom changes for me? (of course for money)
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Jakub, 1) you can show how many slots are left: 2) that option would require custom modification. Best regards, Nikola
jakub Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola,

I have set the show_remaining_slots=”1″ but I think that there is some bug.
I have 4 timeslots every 10 minutes.
When I book one time at 15:00 it shows 3 remaining time slots in 15:00 but also in 14:50
It always goes back to the prevoius timeslot.

You can see it here:

jakub Staff replied 6 years ago

I think that it only does this problem when the service duration is = 0 (service duration is not important for me so I had it zero)

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi, you are right. Service duration can’t be 0. Based on service duration the slots are calculated.

Best regards,