Having trouble getting the app to show up on my page

SupportHaving trouble getting the app to show up on my page
RON SMITH asked 7 years ago
I am pretty sure i have all the settings in properly. I am building a test page here: http://bridalclix.com/wp/features/header-submenu/header-center-aligned-transparent/bridalclix-home/page/2/ and I have used the standard and bootstrap shortcodes. I keep getting:

East Appointments - Settings validation: You need to define at least one location. You need to define at least one service. You need to define at least one worker. There should be at least one Connection.   but There are all of those things already in there. 10 locations, 3 providers and multiple services and i set up everyone's connections.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Ron, have you set those connections to working? Best regards, Nikola
bridalclix Staff replied 7 years ago

I didn’t! Thanks. I have a couple more questions. Is there any sort of option (now or planned) where someone can put in a date rather than use the calendar? Or better yet, is there a way to have the user enter a date FIRST to see what workers are available that daye? I have a wedding booking site and I’d like the bride to enter her wedding date and have the dropdown reflect the available photographers rather than choosing one first and hoping the date is open.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Sort option will be added asap both on form part and admin appointments page. Regarding order of creating appointments there is no way to see what are slots are available and then select worker.

Best regards,