How Can I buy Extension Plugin ?

SupportHow Can I buy Extension Plugin ?
Tolga asked 6 years ago
I use easy appointmet app and I want to upgrade this. I have some questions; Where should I buy the higher package to connect my google calendar to my web-site? Firstly, I use wordpress and I don't know how i can upgrade to the extansion version to connect my web-site calendar to my google calender. How can I match the easy appointment app on my wordpress after buying transaction ?Also, If i enter new appointment from web-site,Can I see this appointment on my google calender? and If I enter a new appointment from my google calendar, Can ı see this appointment on my web-site calendar?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Tolga, you can buy extension here from home page: . It is add on for EasyAppointments plugin. So you need to install Extension plugin beside EasyAppointments. You don't need to uninstall current plugin. Regarding Google Calendar sync it is working in both directions. If you add appointment to GCal it will be synced back to EA and adding in EA it will add event in GCal as well. Best regards, Nikola