How can I increase the number (registration || requests) for each event created?

SupportHow can I increase the number (registration || requests) for each event created?
Dmitriy asked 6 years ago
Dear Nikola, I need help in working with your wonderful easy appointment plugin. Please help with the solution. Question regarding plugin settings. Before you write, I read many articles on the forum in the hope of finding an answer to my question, but I did not find the answer.
How can I increase the number (registration requests ||) for each event created?
(I mean, when I create (event || meetup) for a certain time, for example (07/17/19, 12:00 - 13:00), only 1 person can register for this (event || meetup). you need to increase this number by at least 500. Tell me, please, how can I implement it? Thanks