How to activate a worker who cannot do 2 services at the same time

SupportHow to activate a worker who cannot do 2 services at the same time
Farid OUD asked 4 years ago
Hello, I am trying to use easy-appointments but I have a problem.  I am the only worker and I offer 3 services online.  When a time slot is reserved in service 1, services 2 and 3 display this available time slot ... However, I have correctly configured in the connections that I am the only worker.  Unfortunately, I cannot perform 2 services at the same time.    Thank you in advance for your help!
1 Answers
bflood Staff answered 4 years ago
I think what you are looking for has been answered on a previous question I had the same issue and unchecking the \"Multiple work\" setting under Settings -> Customize -> General, solved this for me.