How to add Paypay button

SupportHow to add Paypay button
sodsada Staff asked 7 years ago
Dear Support, I have implement this plugin on my website and i want to have payment option online such as paypal and visa card. i was create paypal button under my paypal account and i don't know how to integrate my button with this plugin. Could you please help to advise on this?  Regards, Sodsada.
6 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, documentation for that will be posted during the day. :) Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi,   here is link to new documentation page regarding PayPal integration :   Best regards,   Nikola
sodsada Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Nikola, I want to mark field Payment is required but don't see this option or it is available on extension plugin only. Could you please help to advise? Regards, Sodsada.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, it's a part of Extension plugin. Best regards, Nikola
sodsada Staff answered 7 years ago
Ok, i will make the payment to you then so after that please help to provide the link for download extension plugin. Regards, Sodsada.
sodsada Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Nikola, I was purchase extension plugin last 2 days ago and i can have paypal option now and happy with that. i have another question which it want to consult with you like this. after received booking from customer we will check first whether our worker is available or not then we will confirm customer and ask customer to process the payment. do we have this option? How? your prompt response much very appreciate! Regards, Sodsada.