How to cancel an appointment

SupportHow to cancel an appointment
Jack Staff asked 8 years ago
Hi Nicola, I guess there is no way for a customer to cancel an appointment if they set it wrong, right?  Would you consider something like this in a new version if not already present? Also how can we stop multiple appointments for the same customer on the same service, same date?
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi Jack, customer can receive the email with link to cancel appointment. Also there can be an link to confirm appointment. You can prevent multiple appointments it's done by default. You can have only the maximum number of appointments as number of connections that are having those Appointment at same time. If there is one connection then there can be only one Appointments for particular time. :) Best regards, Nikola
Consuelo_Daza Bertrand Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi Nikola "customer can receive the email with link to cancel appointment. Also there can be an link to confirm appointment." I can not find the way to do this: send the link of the appointment to customer to be able to cancel it.   ¡muchas gracias! Un saludo, Consuelo Daza
Consuelo_Daza Bertrand Staff replied 8 years ago

I’ve already seen how it’s done, I’ve tried it and it works !. ¡Gracias!

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 8 years ago

Thanks for the update 🙂

cforce22 Staff replied 7 years ago

Could you please add the resolution here? I have the tag for the appointment cancellation but when I click on the link in the test email, I am forwarded to a page that says “Appointment cannot be canceled!”.

cforce22 Staff replied 7 years ago

I eventually go the email for the cancellation. However, I do not want my clients to be forwarded to a webpage that states they cannot cancel an appointment. How do I turn this off?

Consuelo_Daza Bertrand Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi, cforce22
I explained to you what I have done.
In options EA….
Email :
the mail to confirm the reservation:

Estimada #nombre#,

Le confirmamos los datos de su reserva:

#service_name#, en #location_address# en #location_location#

Fecha: #date#, #start#

Le atenderá #worker_name#.

Si desea cancelar la reserva, acceda a este enlace: #link_cancel#
the client receives the confirmation email, with the link to cancel the appointment

with the tests that I have done, clicking on the link, effectively, the appointment is canceled
I hope this explanation will help you

Un saludo,
Consuelo Daza