How to disable multiple slots for one worker

SupportHow to disable multiple slots for one worker
atdhe Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi there, I have made sure to uncheck the multiple work option from the EA appointments settings but the system is still allowing the same worker to be booked at the same time and location. I want one worker to be able to work only in 1 time slot and in that location only, is there a way to achieve this?
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, you need to have only one slot per each location and it will work like that. Best regards, Nikola
atdhe Staff answered 4 years ago
Does this mean if I have 3 services for one location that I wont be able to block an employee from being bookable elsewhere? Here is an example of a setup I have: In Vancouver I offer 3 services and an employee has a connection for all 3 of the services. Adam is available in vancouver for service 1, Adam is available in vancouver for service 2, Adam is available in vancouver for service 3, all at the same time slots. Does this mean that I cannot block him from being bookable if he is booked on a service at a certain time? If thats the case, do you plan on creating this feature any time soon, where one location can have multiple services and have an employee blocked from being booked?
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, can you please check slot count on those connections? If someone books that employee for service one then other two services at same time should be blocked. But only if slot count is one on all three connections. Best regards, Nikola
flightschool Staff replied 4 years ago

Hello Nikola,

I have the same problem. I can’t solve this. What is wrong?
I have 1 slot per connection, non multiple services and 1 appointment per day.

toma111 Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola!

I have exactly the same issue as described by flightschool! I have 3 services within 1 location, all handled by single worker. I have 3 connections, between those 3 services and location and worker. All connections have number of slots 1. I am able to create multiple bookings for each of those services – for example I book time 10 AM in service A with worker W, and I am able to book time 10 AM in service B with worker W. I would be grateful if this could be fixed! This is great plugin, but without this functionality it ruins my use case. Thanks!