How to extend email tags?

SupportHow to extend email tags?
Stefan W asked 7 years ago

How can I extend tags that are used inside email content?
I need to localize those tags.

Thank and kind regards,
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Stefan, those tags are part of appointments data and custom fields. What are you trying to add there? Best regards, Nikola
lewstef Staff replied 7 years ago


I am trying to get a workaround for the localized email for multi language purpose.
So I am trying to create some custom shortcodes / tags that are localized in multiple languages and use them in the email templates.

Many thanks for your reply!

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Stefan I can expose callback function so you can create custom solution for content. Best regards, Nikola
lewstef Staff replied 7 years ago


That would be cool!
It would be really useful if we could send emails that are localized – for cases when we have a website that is multi language. Do you think that’s possible?

Many thanks for your quick replies!

Best regards,

lewstef Staff replied 7 years ago

What do you think, by when could we have a solution for multilanguage email templates?


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Stefan, it can be added in next version. Adding filter for email template that you can hook on and alter template before populating the data.

Best regards,

lewstef Staff replied 7 years ago


that would be really cool!
I am really eager to see it, many thanks Nikola! 😀

Best regards,