How to update to paid version without losing customisation done with free version

SupportHow to update to paid version without losing customisation done with free version
rafal_stachura Staff asked 2 years ago
I have purchased paid version and I want to upload it to the site where free version exists. I don't want to lose any changes I made. Is there any way of backing up/saving all customisation? If not, will all changes be lost? Or maybe there is any other way of updating the plugin (copying only some specific files to server, etc.)? Thanks.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Rafal, extension plugin should be installed next to original EA so no need to worry about keeping settings because you are only adding additional plugin without touching existing one. Best regards, Nikola
rafal_stachura Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi Nikola,

Thanks for your reply, everything works great as explained 🙂

I have another question: how should I (if possible at all) set status of booking, so they are cancelled automatically if client doesn't complete payment.
For example, they book a date a time and then are redirected to cart, but abandon it or remove the service from the cart – the booking stays untouched on the list of bookings – it it possible that it would be removed automatically?

Many thanks and best regards,

rafal_stachura Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi Nikola,

any update on this would be much than appreciated.

Best regards,