I can’t export out the results of the Easy Appointment Calendar

SupportCategory: QuestionsI can’t export out the results of the Easy Appointment Calendar
CCandG Staff asked 2 weeks ago
Hello,  I am using the Easy Appointment Calendar and when I try to export out the results of the appointment using either the NEW reports or OLD reports all I get is an Excel file with the following data in row 1 column 1 - "". I need to be able to export out my results. What can I do to help assist you with troubleshooting this? 
Easy Appointment Staff replied 1 week ago

Can you please share a reference video/screenshot pointing to the issue you are facing? We will check and help you out.

2 Answers
CCandG Staff answered 1 week ago
I was able to export the results by exporting only the day that I needed the reports for. So, I think this is ok for now. Although, when I try to export out a range, I get a black excel document that only contains the "". It seems like others have encountered this issue. Any idea why the export works when I choose 1 date, but not a series of dates? 
Easy Appointment Staff answered 1 week ago
Hi,  We have created a Github ticket for this and it will be fixed soon. https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/easy-appointments/issues/95 Thanks.