I want red colour for the days we are closed

SupportI want red colour for the days we are closed
Romeo asked 3 years ago
Hi,  I would like to ask if it's possible to change the colour of the dates on our calendar when we are closed (Sunday, Monday & Tuesday). I am using the older version and if I update it, the css codes which was implemented by our designer will be gone. (I have tried that). Is there anyway I can change the colour of the unavailable dates without updating by only adding some scripts to the css files? if the answer is yes, could you please let me know which file is it and what css code do I need to add/change?  Many thanks. here is the website:  https://mypureaesthetics.com/online-booking/  
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Romeo, that is nice modification of EA standard form. But only ea_bootstrap has those check for the calendar. To mark the days on calendar which are not available. You can put your styles inside EA Settings > Custom styles if your current version supports it. Best regards, Nikola