iCal formatting – line break / new line

SupportiCal formatting – line break / new line
AS Staff asked 4 years ago
Hello Nikola,
we bought the ical extension and it looks good so far. The only problem is that we can't add linebreaks to the ical summary.
As mentioned here \n is not working because its gets escaped.
Is this really fixed as you told 3 years ago in this post? What am I doing wrong?
It might be fixed by adding a textarea instead of text input.

Also, it would be nice to have the option to send the ical file only to the admin and not to the customer. I fixed this by removing the filter whichs adds the attachment for users. But i think it would be nice to have this without custom code.

Thanks and best regards Aaron
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Aaron, do you want to have textarea there instead of single line input? Best regards, Nikola
AS Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola,
if this fixes the problem i would appreciate it if you could implement it.

Best regards