ICS File

SupportICS File
JP Staff asked 5 years ago
Hi, I've set up the booking system so it sends a pending email once the booking is done and paid for through paypal (live). The transaction goes through without any problems. Once I receive the email, I can accept the booking and it sends a confirmation email with no problems. If I select the 'send ICS file' option and go through the booking process. The payment goes through as well as the pending email. But when i confirm the booking through email, it doesn't work and says 'The site is experiencing technical difficulties.' If I try to confirm again, it says 'The appointment cannot be confirmed.'  Is there a way to fix this? Thanks, Jefferson
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Jefferson, looks like generating of ICS file fails for some reason. Can you please check the error log file on your hosting? Best regards, Nikola
JP Staff replied 5 years ago

I think I got the log file – it was located in a .gz file under the logs folder. I opened the file in notepad and its given me a bunch of text. How do I locate the area specific to the ICS file?
