Incorrect appointment intervals and incorrect greying out of slots

SupportIncorrect appointment intervals and incorrect greying out of slots
alexandra_lepikhin Staff asked 6 years ago
After installation of AE Connect:
  • time slots shown incorrectly (set to 60 minutes - show 45 minutes)
  • if user leaving the site half way through making an appointment eg. selected service/date/time (location and worker do not require to select - only one), but exited without pressing the <Submit> button, the information on appointment is sent to Google calendar and the slot is greyed out. There is no record in EA on the booking. Deleting in Google calendar is not clearing the slot.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Alexandra, it should not change the duration of slots. Can you please check EA Settings > Services page and there duration and slot_step values. Regarding appointments being created before submit you should turn off auto reservation option in EA Settings > Customize page. Best regards, Nikola
alexandra_lepikhin Staff replied 6 years ago

Thanks Nikola, Will check services.