Input allow only numeric

SupportInput allow only numeric
Iyad asked 5 years ago
Hi,  How can Make the Custom input allow only numeric for some filed  Thanks
3 Answers
ialoudat Staff answered 5 years ago
I found this code to add restricted to filed and make it accept only numeric
But filed should have ID "getElementById", How can add ID without losing any change when update the plugin, I don't need to do that direct inside the core

Thanks for you

ialoudat Staff answered 5 years ago
can you please add this code to core file please in page  easy-appointments/src/templates/ea_bootstrap.tpl.php
Line : 70
add id="<%= item.slug %>"
Start your code here
<input class="form-control custom-field" maxlength="499" type="text" name="<%= item.slug %>" id="<%= item.slug %>" placeholder="<%= _.escape(item.mixed) %>" value="<%- item.default_value %>"  
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi thanks for suggestion. It is added and will be in next release :) Best regards, Nikola