Is it possible to add the categories option to manage different services?

SupportIs it possible to add the categories option to manage different services?
Glen G asked 8 years ago
Hi Nikola We provide 7 types of services to our customers, however, there are 7-10 duration in every service. Is there a method to make customer easy to find out the one they want? Thanks.
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi Glen, you can have one duration per service but you can have multiple services but with different name : Service name - 10minutes Service name - 15minutes etc. Connect those services to one worker and you will get the same effect.   Best regards, Nikola  
Glen Staff replied 8 years ago

Hi Nikola
Currently I indeed set the services as you mentioned. There are totally 60+ services listing on the drop down menu. I believe it’s hard to find out the service customer wants. That is why I ask the possibility of categories function.

Glen Staff replied 8 years ago

Hi Nikola
Currently I indeed set the services as you mentioned. There are totally 60+ services listing on the drop down menu. I believe it’s hard to find out the service customer wants. That is why I ask the possibility of categories function.

minardo_utria Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola:
having a category filter for services, would be a great improvement and make customer experience better, mostly when the list of products is big.

thank you.

sudarshan_dharankar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello Nikola, I also am looking for a way to categorize the services. This is a really good feature I would like to have. Is this planned?
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Sudarshan, you want that as sections inside select field? Best regards, Nikola
sudarshan_dharankar Staff replied 4 years ago

yes for example our salon had services under groups eg. “hair cut” category has several services under it (eg. womans haircut, mens haircut etc) and another category will be ‘hair colot’ which has several services (eg. highlights, retouch etc) each service under those groups have a different price.

Hope this example gives you the details you were looking for