Issue with buying Easy Appointments extentsion

SupportIssue with buying Easy Appointments extentsion
Kunter_T Staff asked 3 years ago
Hi! Today I tried to buy Easy Appointments with the Mastercard option, but when I filled in the information and pressed submit, then it just loads and loads (while showing the lock icon with blue circle around it) with no result. Is it some site issue or Paypal issue or could it be my problem?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, depends. Most likely on Paypal side. Have you check if there was transfer of money? Best regards, Nikola
Kunter_T Staff replied 3 years ago

I tried again after two weeks and was still unable to pay with card using different browsers. However, I then made a Paypal account and paid directly with Paypal. That worked!