Issue with Easy Appointment Connect and PHP 8.1
I also got sync problems with php 8.1 between google cal and the plugin. If I delete something in the calendar, it will not sync back to the plugin. In PHP 7.4, it works fine.
I come back to this subject because google sync doesn’t work with PHP8.2 but this time I have an error information:
[24-Dec-2022 15:39:31 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in C:\wamp64\www\…\easy-appointments-connect\vendor\google\apiclient\src\Google\Http\REST.php:173
Basically this issue doesn’t come from your plugin but from the google php “apiclient”.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Finally, I found the issue, here the fix:
in the file “C:\wamp64\www\…\wp-content\plugins\easy-appointments-connect\vendor\google\apiclient\src\Google\Http\REST.php”
Change the arguments by passing the separator before the array:
if (count($queryVars)) {
//$requestUrl .= ‘?’ . implode($queryVars, ‘&’);
$requestUrl .= ‘?’ . implode(‘&’, $queryVars);
8.0.0 Passing the separator after the array is no longer supported.
7.4.0 Passing the separator after the array (i.e. using the legacy signature) has been deprecated.
Merry Christmas 🙂
With PHP 8.2, I found an issue this time with the “easy-appointments\src\fields\tablecolumns.php” file:
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “ea_connect_links” in C:\wamp64\www\…\wp-content\plugins\easy-appointments\src\fields\tablecolumns.php on line 97
[26-Dec-2022 16:07:11 UTC] PHP 8. EATableColumns->clear_data($table_name = ‘ea_connect_links’, $params = [‘id’ => NULL, ‘app_id’ => 5…5, ‘google_calendar_id’ => ‘3…’, ‘google_event_id’ => ‘4…b’, ‘created_at’ => ‘2022-12-26 16:07:11’]) C:\wamp64\www\…\wp-content\plugins\easy-appointments\src\dbmodels.php:266
[26-Dec-2022 16:07:11 UTC] PHP 9. EATableColumns->get_columns($table_name = ‘ea_connect_links’) C:\wamp64\www\…\wp-content\plugins\easy-appointments\src\fields\tablecolumns.php:120
I don’t know if I can help,
Thank you in advance for your answer.
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