It shows "WordPress" on the Name of Email. Its looks Unprofessional
Some Name<>
Best regards,
Nikolagot this error message.
———— ERROR #22 ————
ERRORS: {“wp_mail_failed”:[“Could not instantiate mail function.”]}
ERRORS_DATA: {“wp_mail_failed”:{“to”:[“”],”subject”:”Your appointment has been set – Your Appointment ID is 26″,”message”:”Dear Lilly\n \nYour appointment with Dr Lisa is pending has been set at Kuala Lumpur on 20\/12\/2017 at 1:00 pm\n \nShould you need to reschedule your appointment, please call us at 03-21165996\n \nAn email will be sent to you once your appointment is confirmed.\n \nThank you\n \nRegards\nSystem Administration\nP.s – If you are unable to make it at the appointed time, You may cancel your appointment here http:\/\/\/Wp1\/wordpress?_ea-action=cancel&_ea-app=26&_ea-t=d0b7332225e5e7b320117ba5700086e3″,”headers”:[],”attachments”:[],”phpmailer_exception_code”:2}}
———- ERROR #22 END ———-
Using Version 4.9.1
Hi Hong, do you have running email function on your hosting? Can you try for example to reset password? Do you get that email?
Best regards,
Hi Nikola, It works when I set it to blank which the email will show it comes from wordpress and the email is But once i set that field to whatever data. it show in the error log and the email is not sent but the appointment get updated.
running email function on your hosting? Yes as without the setting it send out the email. but once we put in the Some Name or any other it will not send the email
Can you try for example to reset password? which password you refer to
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That has to do with wordpress configuration, you can use a plugin like this one