Maximum capacity of concurrent workers per location & multi appointment setup

SupportMaximum capacity of concurrent workers per location & multi appointment setup
Panteleimon asked 5 years ago
Greetings dear Nikola.

I am trying to apply the plugin to one of my customers but there are 3 business requirements which are not met. 

The first one is that he has limitation on how many concurrent workers can be working per location. He offers personal training sessions but for every gym location there is a finite amount of rooms. Meaning if there are 2 rooms and 5 available workers offering services , if for said location 2 bookings take place for 2pm, that specific time slot should become unavailable for any other booking in that location because there is no space. The second one is that he wants to enable payments through paypall but he has clients that book a specific timeslot for big periods of time like 4 months or one year. For example a customer may want to book a YOGA class for every tuesday and  friday at 2 pm until the end of the year (meaning the final overview must add up and show the total price).  The third one is packets of appointments. There are services that in order to book them you need to specify at least 'x' appointments. For example when you book and pay a pilates class you have 3 appointments for every week for one month. But these are predifined in the calendar. So it must be a prerequisite that when someone selects that service, he needs to select on the calendar 12 apointments in order for the submit button to become active

If something does not make sense please state so and I can elaborate ...

Have a nice day
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Panteleimon, as you mention those things are missing from EasyAppointments. I am not sure that we can cover everything that you have written there. You want recurring events in system. Even calculation of price will require a lot of work in order to cover all slots for the current year. :( Best regards, Nikola