Message "Internal error try later"

SupportMessage "Internal error try later"
javivi Staff asked 7 years ago
Hello, when I try to do appointment reads "Internal error try later" I have WordPress 4.8.2 I have plug in in Spanish. link Any idea why is not working?   Thank you in advance
5 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, can you please check if there are any errors inside error.log file regarding that? Best regards, Nikola
javivi Staff replied 7 years ago

This is what error.log shows

1504295860: /home7/medicio3/public_html/salud/ssv3_payload_extractor-TurQnlLJN8.php startup


Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for the log but it has some random php file there. I am not sure that should be like that. Is you hosting working all right? Do you have any security issue? Best regards, Nikola
javivi Staff replied 7 years ago

No security issues on my hosting that I’m aware…..any other idea?…tks

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, can you please go to EasyAppointments > Settings > Customize page and there change option called Max number of appointments (third option from top) and place value like 10 save it and try again. Best regards, Nikola
javivi Staff answered 7 years ago
It works..Thank you.
javivi Staff answered 7 years ago