Message "Internal error try later"

SupportMessage "Internal error try later"
Sheena asked 6 years ago
I\'m running Easy!Appointments Wordpress Plug-in version 2.2.4 on my website. When I attempt to book an appointment from my site, as though I were a client, I\'m met with the following message: Internal error. Please try again later. Sometimes I can get as far as selecting the service, sometimes the message appears almost immediately, and lately, when the message appears, the screen goes white and empty. For reference, my website is:   I noticed a similar question on this topic, but the recommended solution didn't work for me.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Sheena, I know exactly what is the issue in your case. You need to set duration for your services, so value for duration must not be empty or 0. Best regards, Nikola