Minimum time before making an appointment for a single service before it starts.

SupportMinimum time before making an appointment for a single service before it starts.
kiril_panayotov Staff asked 12 months ago
Hi Nikola, There is more than one services, and for a single one it must be bloked 12 hours in advance, as for the others 2 hours in advance. I tried to do it in the service settings, in field block before and put 720, however it did work out. Is there a way to be done? I tried the EA - settings - date and time, but there is a global restriction for all services. Thanks in advance. Regards, Kiril
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 12 months ago

Hi Kiril, for that only on service level it can be done. Use block_before column for that.

Best regards,

kiril_panayotov Staff answered 12 months ago
Then I'm doing something wrong. Can you please check the setup of the service from the screenshot. There you will see that the block_before time is 720 /12 hours/. With this setup reservation have been made 10 before.