
Jay asked 6 years ago
Hi, We\'re offering our services globally, and this requires customers to understand in which time zone they will book their appointment (even the US has multiple time zones). Is there a feature for customers to select their local time zone? Either in free or paid version? 
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Jay, atm there is no way to select time zones. It is only displaying singe time zone. Best regards, Nikola
louise_kulbicki Staff replied 5 years ago

Will you be developing this feature?

adamb Staff replied 5 years ago

I am wondering too.

adamb Staff replied 5 years ago

Perhaps a callback function using add_filter might work until multiple timezones are properly developed but I’m a novice and I am not sure what Identifiers in EA I should be referencing or if this idea would actually work. Perhaps Mr. Loncar can help with this?