my reservations will be unlimited?
Hello, good afternoon, I want to extend my reservation service, the plugin seems very good. My question is about the limit of appointments for my clients, currently a message appears indicating that the reservation limit was exceeded and that they should send an email.. help pls
1 Answers
Hi Rafael, that is just a option inside EA Settings > Customize page. You can set it to 0 and it will be unlimited. If you want you can buy extension and by doing that support EasyAppointments project :)
Best regards,
Hi. I have the same problem too. I already adjusted with a value of 0 to be unlimited. It works fine when I am logged in as an administrator, but if not, it shows a message something like this: “You have reached the daily reservation limit. Contact us by email!”. How can this be resolved?
There is no check when you are logged in. Please put value for example 100 and also clear cache if you are using caching engine.
Best regards,
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