New version – EasyAppointments 3.0.0

SupportNew version – EasyAppointments 3.0.0
Nikola Loncar Staff asked 5 years ago
Hi :) there is a big update for EasyAppointments 3.0.0. We have added full template engine for Events preview inside FullCalendar shortcode. Now you can create custom preview for each event. :) Stayed tuned for video tutorial on how to use full power of template there. Now PHP requirements are at least 5.3 version. Best regards, Nikola
2 Answers
biosdi Staff answered 4 years ago
Nikola can you help me to understand what exactly is FullCalendar and how to use it? I use your plugin since years and have no idea of what FullCalendar is. Thanks for your support
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, you can see demo here but there is no events details setup yet there. You can have preview of each event simply by clicking on event in calendar. Best regards, Nikola