No confirmation of sending when making an appointment

SupportNo confirmation of sending when making an appointment
alain_barberis Staff asked 7 years ago
Hello. I have been using EA and EAC for several months without major problems. Since the last update, when a customer validates his appointment by clicking on the "send" button, the sending message does not appear and a red crossed out icon is visible. I specify that he receives the mail, that the time slot is waiting and that the worker "Lawyer" also receives the waiting mail. I have not found a solution yet. Do you have an idea or already aware of this type of anomaly? Cordially.
Bonjour. Cela fait plusieurs mois que j'utilise EA et EAC sans problème majeure. Depuis la dernière mise à jour, lorsqu'un client valide son RDV en cliquant sur le bouton "envoyer", le message d'envoie n'apparait pas et une icone ronde rouge barrée est visible. Je précise qu'il reçoit le mail, que la plage horaire est en attente et que le worker "Avocate" reçoit également le mail d'attente. Je n'ai pour l'instant pas trouvé de solution. Avez vous une idée ou déjà avisé de ce type d'anomalie. Cordialement.
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5 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, looks like there is some kind of error. Do you use Google Calendar on EAC? Maybe you have changed the password and you now can't upload event. Can you please take a look at error log file on your hosting, there must be something regarding those failed requests? Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

I have received email for that booking. Keep in mind if you are using Google Calendar integration that if you change password of your Google Account tokens inside EAC will not longer work and you will have to re-authorize again.

Best regards,

alain_barberis Staff answered 7 years ago
Hello. I did not express myself well, it seems to me. Everything works perfectly with the mails. Besides EA and EAC are excellent Plugins. What does not work is the little message that accompanies the action on the button "Send-Submit" which remains frozen after clicking on it to send the reservation request. The customer who does not receive the small confirmation message is surprised and wonders if his request will be taken into account. I put; on the site, under the button "Send" a message in red, green and black to report the anomaly to customers. I have just done a test from another computer and the anomaly or bug persists.
For Info, there was no password change on Google Calendar and the sync between EAC and Google Calendar works perfectly.

When I go to EA, "Setup" and "Tools", the error log is empty.
When I go to EAC and click on "Load Log File" in "Debug + Info + Error" or "Info + Error" or Error ", this file does not report any error.

I tested a reservation on my site locally with Wampserver. The "Send" button with its small send message works perfectly, but as I have not done the last two updates of your Plugs on the Local site then I deduce that the problem comes either from version 2.36 or 2.37.
I am in Local version for EA on 2.35 and for EAC on 0.97.

If not, can you email me versions 2.35 and 2.36 of EA, so that I can do additional tests with these old versions on my online site.

I hope all this will help you.

Thanks for your help.

alain_barberis Staff answered 7 years ago
I just released EA version 2.35 and everything works perfectly.
So I deduce that version 2.37 bug.
I will wait for a later version with the correction of the bug.
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Cordially, can you tell me what options do you use inside Extension plugin? Best regards, Nikola
alain_barberis Staff answered 7 years ago
Hello . I am not sure that my answer came to you by using the Forum. Can you give me an address where I can send you my config EA and EAC in PDF.
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi, you can send it to nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com

Best regards,