No content in fullcalendar popup

SupportNo content in fullcalendar popup
subrico asked 4 years ago
Hello, I have no longer content displayed in fullcalendar popup. The popup open, it always display "undefined" in title but it's blank. Any idea ?
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, you need to select different value in shortcode. Values that can select are based on your custom form fields. By default it is name but you don't need to have field with such title. Best regards, Nikola
subrico Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, I use text and value. A part of my code is : 
{= date}{= id}
Archer.e : {= event.nom-prenom}
Club : {=}
Where "club" is a field that may be have 2 differents values (list). There is also name, date, id. I can see fields in emaling setup. This code is working well but since new version (idk when, may be 3.xx) the popu is blank.
elkosx18 Staff replied 4 years ago

Same problem here. The confirm_link is the only of my values still displayed correct. Please fix as soon as possible. Thank you!

subrico Staff answered 4 years ago
For me, no code is displayed, not even {= __CONTEXT__ | raw} or {= link_confirm}. Even simple text don't works. I've uncheck CSS, it apply on bootstrap not in full-calendar...
subrico Staff replied 4 years ago

and in the source code of the displayed page, there is no data : it’s not a problem of CSS but the popup don’t call data.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, can you please create account for me to check settings? Also I will need link to that page with calendar. Email is nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com Best regards, Nikola