No Emails at all

SupportNo Emails at all
Alan Kiel asked 7 years ago
I cannot get any emails to be sent after filling out the form. I don't get any DONE! message after hitting the Submit  I love the look and feel - but I can't get it to work  
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Alan, looks like there is some kind of error on backend. Can you please check the error log file on your hosting if you have access to it? Also can you send me the link to that page with EA form? Best regards, Nikola
alanjkiel Staff answered 7 years ago
There is nothing in the error log.   Here is the link to the page:   If you need temp access - I can create a login and pw for you
alanjkiel Staff answered 7 years ago
Nikola - did you get a chance to look at the page?