No services appear in the appointment tabel

SupportNo services appear in the appointment tabel
Silviu asked 7 years ago
Hello! So I select the location that I want but after that the table does not load my services. It appears only a line "-". I have updated the plugin to the latest version but stil no change. What should I do? Thank you! Silviu
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Silviu, can you please tell me or even better take a screen shot of connection settings. Looks like misconfiguration there. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, looks like bug issue. It will be fixed ASAP. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
It is fixed in 1.12.2 . It was bug that was only in latest version of WordPress 4.8.3 . Just update to the latest version and you should be fine. :) Best regards, Nikola