Not able to add or edit connection on mobile device

SupportNot able to add or edit connection on mobile device
cb29kqp Staff asked 1 year ago
Over the weekend, I needed to adjust a connection, yet it wasn't possible as the date and time picker aren't visible on small mobile devices like a smartphone. I noticed when I click the cancel button that I could see the date or time picker for a second. It seems there is a problem with the layers. The date and time picker are on a layer behind the connection form. The same is true for all the other drop-down selectors. They do not show anything. Thus, I needed to use a desktop computer to change the connections.  Please take a look at it. Thanks a lot. Regards,
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago

Hi Stephan, we are working on this atm. Thanks for reporting.

Best regards,

cb29kqp Staff replied 1 year ago

Sounds good, Nikola!