Not working to G Calendar, (from EA to G Calendar does)
When somebody create event on website in Easy Appointments, it is nicely synced to Google Calendar.
But when I create custom event in Google Calendar, that time in Easy Appointments is still available.
I am creating events with start and end time. I have settled time zone and everything. You can compare it with screenshots.
Created by Easy Appointments - Working:
Custom created in Google Calendar - Not working in Easy Appointments
Here, you can see that 18. september thru time 10:00 to 12:00 is still avaible in EA. It should be blocked.
Please, can you help me? I really don't know what to do :(.

2 Answers
And here is settings:

This is looking fine I would suggest to follow that cron guide and connect it to system scheduler.
Best regards,
Thank you, I added screenshots from cron settings in upper post
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Can be problem with this error?
Your Cron is running inside WordPress! Please consider setting Cron to run from System Task Scheduler! By doing that all background task are going to execute on time and without any limitation. Please follow official WordPress guide on Hooking WP-Cron Into the System Task Scheduler.
Link which that error is linked to is not working (404). I asked my hosting admin and they said that they don’t see any Cron task.
Hi, yes that can be a issue there. Keep in mind that sync take time, in your case 5 minutes. Also if nobody visits your site cron task will not execute, that is the reason why you need to connect to system scheduler. How to do that for EA :
Best regards,
Thank you for that link, I tryed that with hosting support help but they don’t know either. 5 minutes interval is okay.
I added that disable command onto wp-config, error about cron has disappeared:
On that tutorial is not this options, so I tried both of them:
1. Url (wget)
2. or run PHP 7.2 (there is variations of PHP versions from 5.3 to 7.4)
Neither of them is syncing back from Google Cal to Easy Appointments
Please can you help me? I really need to get working syncing back from google calendar 🙁
If you don’t know from this settings, is it possible to give you admin pass to look for yourself?
Thank you very much.