Number of slots seems to reduce wrongly

SupportNumber of slots seems to reduce wrongly
nodc Staff asked 5 years ago
We run a non-profit dog club and with recent COVID situation, we had to start online booking to ensure social distancing restrictions are followed. I created one worker (because we do not need people to select 'instructors/workers' as we do not know who is taking the class until an hour before start) and I created one location (it's all in the same park). Then in Connections, I created 7 connections, with different number of slots offered for each session. I check all of this is correct in Reports>Timetable.  When the first person books (doesn't matter which session time they choose), the total number of slots for every session goes down by 3 spots. To counteract this problem, I tripled all number of slots but for some reason, it doesn't always go down by 3. Subsequent bookings also drop every session (not just the actual booking) but I cannot determine the pattern.  Am I doing something wrong?  PS, I also tried to create multiple workers so that every timeslot has a dedicated worker but it didn't make any difference. 
nodc Staff replied 5 years ago

Class sessions are:
9:15am-10am: Class 1 and Class 2, 18 slots each
10:15am-11am: Class 1 and Class 2, 18 slots each
11:15am-12pm: Class 1 9 slots, Class 2 18 slots, Class 3 9 slots.
Total: 7 classes/connections

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, you need to create a worker for each Class. We can call that as teacher, so each Class have own teacher. Then it will have separate count. Best regards, Nikola