Only One Time slot showing? Did I leave something out? Serious No Paypal docs?

SupportOnly One Time slot showing? Did I leave something out? Serious No Paypal docs?
OBS Staff asked 7 years ago
Only One Time bracket showing? Did I leave something out? Also PLEASE do explain what must happen to integrate with Paypal. What do we add inside of the clients PP acct. to get it working... Come-on guys Where are the docs
OBS Staff replied 7 years ago

I already have the extension, what needs to be added inside of Paypal?
Thanx in Advance

OBS Staff replied 7 years ago

All we get is

Now you can set PayPal checkout before customer makes Appointment
Set currency
Set Mode : sandbox / production – useful for testing
Add sandbox ID / production ID
Make payment required or optional

Can we have further explanation on each one?

OBS Staff replied 7 years ago

In the PP Section you have:
Before using PayPal integration you should create an Application inside PayPal for your account. That can be easily done in few click. Just follow the link
The link goes here in Paypal… What Are We To Do? Once Inside PP
My App & Credentials
Create New App

Create Applications

Create, edit, and manage multiple PayPal apps. In each app, select the specific PayPal capabilities you want to offer to your customers. Every app gets a unique set of live and sandbox API credentials.

Non-U.S. developers: read our FAQ.


1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, sorry for that one. PayPal was added as latest feature so documentation is not yet done. But it will improved asap. Here are answers to your question: You need to Create New App inside that link on PP. You will have to set the name for it :

After that is done on My Apps & Credentials you can see created App in the list (it is almost at bottom of page) :


In this example Application is called EasyAppointments but you can name as you want. After you click on that name link you should see next part:


On image there are to tabs marked with 1 and 2. Copy Client ID from sendbox tab (1) to the Sandbox token field in Extension settings and also do the same for live tab (2) and Client ID to Prod token. Basically setting is done.

If you mark field Payment is required then customer will have only one option and that is to pay with PP in order to make an appointments. If that is not marked then user can choose to make an Appointment without payment also.

Best regards,