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Hi, new version of EasyAppointments 3.5.0 is here. There we fixed issues with translation on admin part for new EA…
Hello, i always get this error if i choose any time . You can't select this time slot!' So can…
I've replaced the basic email notification templates with more complex templates (with the same tags), and immediately noticed that performance…
How do I include a custom form field in the Mail Notifications? Adding a "select" field does not give a…
Hi. It's easy to accidentaly hit delete on the wrong connection, and then it's gone forever. Maybe add a "regret"…
How can I change the first day of the week? In my country the week start on Sunday - and…
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function format() on bool in /wp-content/plugins/easy-appointments/src/mail.php:594 Stack Trace1. EAMail->send_status_change_mail('38')/wp-content/plugins/easy-appointments/src/ajax.php:5452. EAAjax->ajax_appointment('')/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:2923. WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:3164.…
Hello everyone and especially the admin: Here are updated French translation files : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G416HFrJCV0ZgvMVeIq6nCifGV6-uDTK?usp=sharing Unfrotunately, the word 'Cancelled' (normally written…
I, first of all... thank your for your amazing work with this plugin! I need some help: I'm trying…
Hi, if I have a service of 20 minutes and a service of 90 minutes. If a booking is made…
Hello, I emailed you as well but I never received a link with the download file. My email is walter@duospeed.com …
Hi Nikola,Is it possible to combine 3 days together in one booking?For eg. 3 day wedding package, from friday 6pm…
Hi, Ive tried everywhere to find something so suit and going crazy. I have a mowing business and also do…
I am using Easy Appontments for registering vaccination dates for Covid. Everything works fine. BUT: During the day the table…