Thursday 23 February 2023
Due to high spam bot activity we had to add additional check for new threads. Now threads are by default in pending for review state and until approval they will not be visible to others beside admin and a thread creator.
Additional news is regarding forum registration that is blocked now. It will be only available via small payment that is going to be introduced soon or by purchasing Extension plugin which creates user account by default. One time fee for creating new account will be $9.99 .

Login Register $9.99 Ask Question

change number of orders

Hi! How can i change the number of jrders #id to have a big volume from start.For example, i want…

556 views0 answers0 votes
solntseff asked 4 years ago
Erreur 403 access denied when clicking "authorize" in wordpress

Dear all, I tried to synchronize my google account with easy appointment but i m stucked after putting my client…

696 views0 answers0 votes
sabine_herman asked 4 years ago
Arrows are missing from calendar

I have tried uploading the Glyphicons Halfings font and editing the CSS with no success. I cannot figure out how…

652 views1 answers0 votes
n8m answered 4 years ago
Email notification is not working

I can't find the answer to this in your forums.  I have my email address listed as both To and…

644 views0 answers0 votes
Kathryn asked 4 years ago
i-have-not-received-any-zip-file or link for extension

I haven't received any email with download link or zip file

572 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Hide Booked Slots

I am trying to hide booked slots. Using .time-disabled.time-disabled.time-disabled { color: #ffffff;background: #ffffff On booked appointments, the time of booked…

1043 views2 answers0 votes
Alex H answered 4 years ago
Open bootstrap form dynamically in modal.

I have three workers and want to be able to click on a button for that woker and have a…

645 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Cannot Schedule Same Day Appointments

I use Easy Appointments on 2 websites, same settings, but on one of them I'm not able to schedule same…

744 views2 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago

Hello Nikola, First, let me thank you for your excellent plugin ! Second, I suggest you set up a "showcase" section…

821 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Several admins

Hi, I would like to have different wp admin logins to manage different worker calendars. Example: I have 7 workers…

574 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
Callback array hook not filled properly

Hi, I'm using this code : <?phpadd_action( 'ea_new_app_from_customer', 'custom_callback_function', 10, 2 ); function custom_callback_function( $appointment_id, $appointment_data ) {$to = '';$subject…

795 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
worker description

Hi, I need to add worker description tags to message but I found you don't allowed this, can you told…

717 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
wpml translate labels

Hi again Nikola,  Mi client want multilanguage web. and i cant translate labels with wpml. any suggestion?

639 views1 answers0 votes
Nikola Loncar answered 4 years ago
different custom fields for two different services

Hi, I am setting up a booking facility for my gliding club for introductory glider flights. There are basically two…

671 views0 answers0 votes
Siggi Ingason asked 4 years ago

How do you make the calendar for easy appointments start on Sunday?

1016 views0 answers0 votes
Tammy Fieldsmith asked 4 years ago

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