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Hi, i'm using the current version of your amazing plug-in, but i have the problem, that new added custom field…
Hi, there is a new version of EasyAppointments plugin 2.12.2 so if you had issues with missing labels (##) on…
Hey buddy, disabling that plugin resolved the problem. Not sure where that is in use but will check and sort…
Frontend appointments are not load in admin panel and database values are stored in Null.
I just sync add the calendar is not giving any error but isn't working eaither.
I want replace booking over view partabove Form.which page is modified,please suggest me.
Hi, i have a basic calendar setup which works fine but the form is disabled even when i select a…
is there a way to disable the selection of workers in the booking form and then let the back office…
When will the full calendar view be editable? This plugin would be perfect if customers could just edit the appointments…
I need to substitute the word "Workers" with "Artists". Can you, please, help me?
Hi, I've been using the plugin extension for quite some time now without problems but now suddenly the appointments don't…
After the paypal transaction is complete, the fund are "On hold". I have set up the app and the tokens…
Hi, there is a new version of Extension plugin 0.11.7 with new option how to format time in ICS file.…
Does this plugin somehow modify the caching parameters in the header? I am using SG Optimizer for cache but caching…