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We have a problem I don't understand. Immediately after a reservation is confirmed and the confirmation email has been send…
Hi there. I've been able to change the colours for the form fields and the Booking Details header as these…
I have issues sending out mail after using the cancellation/approval link in e-mails. Sending out test mail (both normal and…
Hello, and thanks for this plugin. I have attempted a number of times to reach support with a question via…
Hi, my Easy Appointments callendar doesn't show local hollidays ( for Slovenia ). How would I make those dates which…
Hi, there is a way to override a tpl file without doing in the plugin file? for example putting the…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments is here 2.8.2. There are some changes regarding email link actions for cancel and…
Hi, I own a mobile barbershop. We are in multiple locations throughout the week and sometimes multiple locations per day.…
Hi Nikola, And what about if I book from Google calendar? if I create a booking from my Google calendar…
The standard filtering order is location, service, worker. However we have customers with a strong preference for a certain worker…
Hi, Great plugin. I am configuring the plugin and I need to select appointment tabs in this order: 1.…
How do I keep the calendar from extending out over my page border screenshot below, I highlighted the border to…
Thanks for your help Nikola, I have another question, if I want insert the calendar in the sidebar, how…
I have installed and then made some time book in my EA. I use this shortcode [ea_full_calendar location="2" layout_cols="2"]. In…
Hey. Is it possible to sort location based on ID or Name? I want to reverse the order the locations…