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How do I sync multiple calendars of different workers? Say, if a user books a slot with worker A, the booking…
I'd like to have the functionality for someone to book a time slot every monday at the same time for…
Does the plugin allow clients to purchase block bookings 30 classes, and then book each of these classes when they want.
Hi Nikola, I've connected the google calendar using Extension plugin as per the video. However, the events created via the…
Hi 🙂 new versions are here for both EasyAppointments and Extension plugin. EasyAppointments 2.5.4 with : Update for free slots…
Hi, I haven't received the add-on plugin post payment. You would have received payment from Paypal linked id - prodmonk@gmail.com
Hey guys, like the title says, cannot edit or remove them. Tried compatibility mode and refreshed the page. Does not…
When is this plugin going to be updated to be compatible with WP 5.2.1 or 5.2.2?
Hi, Thanks for this great plugin. Is the a way to add dropdown menu (max. 2 choice) or checkbox to…
As it says in the title. We have had to move 3 appointments that had been booked to different times,…
Hello, I am having trouble with the time syncing with Google Calendar. In Google Calendar it is always displayed +1h…
Hi 🙂 new EasyAppointments version is here 2.5.2 . There are some improvements on Admin styles. Customize fields are now…
Hello, you should properly escape the form values in the customize tab in the backend. Currently you use template syntax…
Hello. I want to use your plugin for a directory with sports facilities. Before buying the add-ons I want to…