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Hello, I deployed the Twilio extension and have been trying to include a cancellation link in the text messages, in…
I have disabled the scrolling and I change the service with JS because I use different triggers, but on mobile…
Hi, When someone selects a time slot then I change the status (from pending to confirmed) the the slot time…
I want to make more options for mu customers to choose between; fitting, making a dress and engamenrtappointment but i…
Hi, I just updated to 0.10.6 for Easy Appointments Connect to fix the reminder SMS bug. It is now working…
Hi new version of Extension plugin is here 0.10.7 . There is a bug fix for Twilio SMS reminder…
Hi Nikola... I have installed your plugin and now I need payment options. I can't see that. Is that a…
I've been trying to deploy the "reminder texts" functionality and have not been able to get it to work. Confirmation…
I’ve purchased the extension plugin and received the email with the link to download the .zip file. Unfortunately our corporate…
Hi, First of all, thank you for this great plugin. I would like to go a bit further into…
the google calendar sync only current week, how to set for the entire appt. in EA
Hi, Thank you for that great plug-in, please i have two questions please, 1- if one of the admin delete…
When I try to change labels, the down arrow don't open the window where I can change the fields name…
Hello I've set up Locations, Services, Workers, Connections but when i launch the plugin i get that: You need to…
Hi there, first of all, this is really a great plugin for Appointments. I love the flexibility it offers, even…