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Hi guys, I have cloned my website for a Acceptance purpose. https://www.puurhalle.com/afspraak is the production one https://www1.puurhalle.com/afspraak/ is for acceptance Booking…
Could you enable the reminder email function e.g. one day prior the reserved time slot, similar to SMS reminders?
Hi Nikola, I just bought the extension for the google and woocommerce integration. As the title suggests, the calendar on my…
Hi Nicola, I would like to know how to set the customers address as the location? I tried #address# as…
Is it possible to change the appointment time slots from being 24 hour (military time) to 12hr (am/pm)?
In the 2-way sync, will I be able to block out times that I am no longer available from my…
Hi. I want to disable available timeslots if it's less than 1 hour until it starts. Let's say I have…
Hi Nikola, Two questions... I would like to change the field names from 'Location', 'Service' & Worker to other more…
I would like to export the appointments made by my customers and let the individual professionals to choose the timeslot…
Is the Easy Appointments Extension - 1 Year Updates price of $39.00 a one time fee or is it recurring…
I like to use this for my photostudio, so people can online book the studio.But I have different times, like…
I am unable to change the colors and look of calendar - days available, days unavailable, selected day. All days…
Hi there, just purchased the plugin extension and it won't activate. I received the following errors upon activating: Warning: require(D:\Hosting\2258839\html\wp6\wp-content\plugins\easy-appointments-connect\vendor\yahnis-elsts/plugin-update-checker/plugin-update-checker.php)…
Hi. I am going to use Easy Appointments plugin to integrate SMS reminder. Before purchase the Twilio SMS extension, I…
Hi, I have added free ($0 cost) services in my settings and have made paypal payment required. It doesn't makes…